Personal fashion vs practicality


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Although I am a fashion student, I really don't feel like I always fit in.

I have never been known for one to be impractical. From my work life to my looks, I do often favour my comfort over being on the 'edge' of fashion. It makes me feel a bit like an odd one out on my course, there are girls who turn up to a 9am in fake eyelashes and heeled boots whilst I'm in leggings with a baggy top, no makeup and a top knot.

I'm not saying that the way I am is always a hindrance though, I save so much time by not always ensuring my makeup is on and perfect before I leave the flat although I did make it a small New Years resolution to take care of myself a little more. Whether it is what I'm eating or if I am deep conditioning, I want to feel as if I am at my 100% I know that to work in fashion you don't always need to look like you stepped off a London Fashion Week catwalk but here is a written promise to myself to be a little less practical!

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