Book: How To Tell Your Story So the World Listens


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I decided to select this book from the reading list we were given as the title spoke to me the most from the list. “How to tell your story so the world listens” sounded like a very powerful statement and one that would be very helpful on my fashion communications course. What I have found since starting the course is that much of what we do is about researching, developing and crafting a story around the brand/product. I thought this book could really help my understanding of how promoting an idea works.

The book is a quick read, able to be read in just over an hour. It is however jam-packed with advice, tips and an anecdote that expands on a few main pieces of advice that Buster explains are bible when attempting to tell your own story. Some of these are fairly obvious pieces of advice that you would have been taught in English class, such as ensuring you explain the what, where, who, how and when of a story. Others are a little more obscure ideas that focus on how to get people to relate to your story, such as focusing on a gleaming detail that may originally seem irrelevant in the tale but by the end holds a large part, such as the bike in ET. At the beginning, it was just a bike and by the end becomes part of the most memorable scene in the film.

I found the most powerful message in this book to be the idea that we all have a narrative and 'we are all in the midst of a great story'. I find this to be a very inspirational idea, especially when in a bit of a rubbish mood or mindset. Even when things aren’t going my way it helps to remember this as we are in huge control of our life story.

The end of the book has a section of exercises to help readers to evoke their own inner story by looking back at their childhood experiences, times that changed lives and even about antagonists that you may have had in your lives. These are such personal prompts, ones that Buster does share a few answers she has heard. The responses were surprisingly emotional, one student even a survivor of a tsunami that made it through by realizing we all have our own narrative in life, a very powerful idea that helped her to persist and meant that she lived to tell her tale.

Overall, I would say the book is a decent read. I can’t say my life has changed since reading it but I think that it will be particularly helpful for those who are planning for a public speaking event or something similar. I hope that it will help my approach to further projects.

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